Tiny Tadpoles Show - 150

Tiny Tadpoles show features animals that are small to medium in size.
Tiny Tadpoles is a 45 minute show where audience members will learn and about 10 different reptiles and amphibians. They'll get to touch and interact with the various animals.
Our introductory reptile show. Created to introduce young children to the wonderful world of reptiles and amphibians, this hands on show is suitable for ages 4 and under. The shows focus is on letting participants get up close to see and touch these 10 incredible animals in a safe and controlled setting.
Get up close and personal with these amazing creatures
Exotic animals include: small to medium sized lizards, tarantulas, frogs, tortoises and snakes (non venomous).
You are allowed to have up to 35 participants*
*participant - guest who is participating in the show by handling and or petting the animals during the party